Many business owners often wonder, “Is my business doing well, or is it failing?” Just looking at your sales and revenue can be very misleading. Here’s what you need to know… Net income is what really matters. Net income is your revenue/sales, minus ALL of your business expenses. Too often business owners only look at […]
Tag Archives: cobb co cpa
*This article is addressed to those business owners who have been in business at least one year. After running a business for several years, I’ve realized that no matter what a business owner charges, there will always be people complaining that the price is too high. On the contrary, when a business owner charges low […]
When I started preparing tax returns and gaining a client here and there, I had no idea how many business owners needed help getting back on track with filing their past due tax returns. Over the last several years, we have helped many business owners with their back-taxes and greatly reduced their fears. Here is […]
At Simpson & Simpson Accounting, LLC, we like to reward our hometown combat veterans. We are looking for the next local combat veteran to reward! We want to reward our local heroes with a $500 reward and Simpson & Simpson Accounting plaque. We support these local heroes with public recognition, sharing a little about their […]